Paws & Remember Pet Loss Support

Whether you are grieving the loss of a pet or experiencing anticipatory grief, you will feel a wide range of responses: emotionally, cognitively, physically, socially, and spiritually. You may have questions about the grief process, feel that others do not understand the depth of your grief, or seeking a safe place to ask questions and discuss options. It is perfectly natural to feel emotionally vulnerable as you process these intense feelings. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Each pet guardian walks their own journey.

  • Your pet struggles with behavioral, physical or neurobiological challenges
  • Life circumstances have forced you to consider rehoming your pet
  • Behavior has escalated to the point of considering behavioral euthanasia
  • Your pet went missing and was never found
  • A family pet passed while you were away at college or living far from home
  • Your pet was lost in an unforeseen accident
  • Your pet has lost vision and/or hearing
  • An injury has resulting in amputation of limb or paralysis
  • A diagnosis leaves your pet with life-changing??
  • Your aging pet is approaching end of life.
  • A terminal diagnosis has forced you to face difficullt decisions
  • Your pet’s quality of life is declining

I am not a human therapist, psychologist or counselor, but am a certified Pet Loss Bereavement Specialist, companion animal doula and Certified Dog Behavior Consultant and Professional Dog Trainer who specializes in fear and aggression. This combination means that I have helped many clients through pet loss, whether from natural aging, unexpected medical issues, accidents or behavioral euthanasia.

Over the years, I have faced many end-of-life decisions with my own animal companions and can relate to the the decisions and grief that you are facing. I am here to support you and provide objective feedback, educational materials and/or additional resources to help you make fully informed decisions.

  • End of iife planning
  • Resource and information gathering
  • Objective Quality of Life measures
  • Advocating for your wishes for your pet
  • Planning for quality time with your pet
  • Exploring palliative or hospice care options
  • Discussing/planning euthanasia options
  • Researching and planning celebration of life events, tributes and memorials
  • Non-medical, emotional support and guidance
  • Providing objective feedback to aid in your decision-making
  • Holding a safe, non-judgmental space where you can share your thoughts and grief
  • Being empathetic and listening with understanding and compassion
  • Providing a connection to keep you from feeling lost or alone in your grief
  • Helping you process feelings of guilt, anger, remorse and sadness
pet loss

From the moment you get that terminal diagnosis for your pet, have another bad incident that makes you question how long this can go on or even as your dog is naturally aging, your grief process starts and continues through the moment you say goodbye and into the mourning period. My services are tailored for each client to provide the support you need at any given time, whether that is helping you communicate with your veterinarian, providing qualified guidance on behavioral euthanasia candidates, helping you objectively review quality of life assessments, discussing burial and cremation options or deciding the best ways to spend meaningful time with your pet. In addition to guiding you through the caretaking phase, I can help you plan memorials or projects to remember your beloved pet.

Assessment sessions are for anyone who is considering surrender, rehoming or behavioral euthanasia for their pet.

This 60-minute virtual session is a safe, non-judgmental space to help you navigate these difficult decisions with objective input from a certified dog behavior consultant.

This is NOT for clients who are looking for training options or animals with a terminal diagnosis or in end-of-life stages.

For clients seeking support with navigating end-of-life planning, after-life decisions and/or associated grief.

This 45-minute virtual session can be conducted with your camera on or off – whichever you prefer.

No committments to packages.
Schedule sessions as needed.

For clients seeking ongoing support with navigating end-of-life planning, after-life decisions and/or associated grief.

This monthly support package includes 4 scheduled, 45-minute support sessions PLUS text support throughout the month.

For clients seeking ongoing support from end-of-life decisions, anticipatory grief and after death grief support.

This 3-month package includes 12 scheduled, 45-minute sessions with text support for 3 months.

As Pet Loss Bereavement Specialist, I provide non-medical supplemental support, advocacy, and education to a client or family. Family refers to spouse, partner, family member(s), or friend who the client wishes to include. I am independent, insured, self-employed, and work for the client or family, not a specific hospice, palliative care service or animal hospital or clinic.

I do not practice under any medical licenses. Please reach out to your Veterinary Professional with any medical questions or concerns.

I am not a mental health professional. If you are struggling to function on a daily basis, having difficulty getting out of bed and/or struggling to imagine going on without your pet, please reach out to your primary care physician or mental heath professional. You can reach the Suicide Hotline by dialing or texting 988.